
The Cage

locked away in a gilded cage is a being of such Beauty that whenever eyes are laid upon this creature, they cannot tell if it is real or if it is a dream. No one can believe that such a thing can be held aloft in such a device of shining silver and gold, yet it is, and meant for only the strongest among them.  Made of love and trained to serve, this being gives everything that is good to  a Master of fate and desire, into a f ulcrum of Love, a  union of two into One.

Lucky (A Movement in Three Parts)

I I wished and asked and here You are to a little leprechaun I told my heart's secret he pointed his gold in our direction these waterfalls of affection pour from our wellspring it is  never-ending II all I ever want is to please  give you the world have you live at ease exist in your kingdom devoted exultations and prayers delivered on bended knees III my fruit I lay in front of you devour me entirely you know my flesh is sweet, the Tree of Knowledge I hang from pluck the morsels until your basket is full and make a dish of delights from these spoils and live in Love which is rightfully  Yours

Just 2 (Feel)

Just to feel you  Outside, next to, alongside, inside, close to me is Heaven on Earth

Come Back (The Mourning Chronicles 3)

Do you one will ever love you more than me. I still hold on to this truth, even though I should let go.  I guess I want you to know this truth, by experience. I would give up everything I have just to show you, don't you know?  Come back to me and let us be.

Just 1 (Touch)

All it takes is just one touch and I am Yours like it is our first time, every time

The Heat

I know that I wield a fire that burns hot and bright, only those who have held fire in the palm of their hands will know that they can stand the heat of my flame If I am aimed in your direction, know that you are one of the strongest of men You can stand the heat, and you are made greater by it.


oh Master what masterpieces will You paint using Your brushes which tickle and prick on the strokes You choose what shades of red and brown, purple and black will splay across the golden caramel canvas that lays obediently taught yet slack before You oh Master what shapes will appear, what messages will be relayed, what joys will be displayed, that Your artistry commands from its praise for the masterpiece You craft, shape, and devise to bring pleasure to the mind upon those secret set of eyes _____ Magic exists in the stroke that is also where Heaven is found  in the bend of Your wrists, in the twist of the brush And the canvas is Yours to command as You wish, a display of Your power a kind of Love that  becomes  Bliss