Pleasure Perfect (Shangri-La)

What you do to me, my Love, I have come to know as mon plaisir parfaite; like magic you find it there in my joyful depths every time. pussy flowered open by your beautiful thick cock, making it feel so good from the tip of its head to the full of its base and then throughout your body and back into mine. That's the most amazing feeling to me, of all things--that right there!!

With each thrust and throb you give me, I am transported...Heaven.

It's absolutely perfect because everything you do to me and I do to you, sends us to another place, worth the visit each and every time. We are a vessel in which ecstasy is the coin and fuel, ridings on the rhythms of our bodies grinding to le battement de nos coeurs.

There is no place else in all the Universe I would rather be than when you are nearest to me, conjoined and entwined. It is my Shangri-La...Divine.
